There's lots of Christmas wrapping ideas available to the do-it-yourself Christmas shopper looking to add unique flair to their Christmas gift this year. Of course, you could always go the store bought wrapping paper option but why not have a bit of fun and impress your gift recipient with your creative skills? Of course, there are many different budgets for gift wrapping but we're going to focus on a cheaper alternative that will require readily available items from your local $2 store.
First you should shop for your packaging material - the paper that will wrap the gift. When going for an earthy look, try simple brown or recycled paper. This can often be bought in roll for multiple gifts. In our example, we have chosen a simple paper bag.
Next you want to dress your wrapping paper up! This is the creative part where you can add anything you like. You might want to get the kids involved and have them glue glitter and drawings to your gift. Family and friends will love this and the kids will have fun (and entertainment for an hour or two).
If you're going for a more 'high end' feel, try some ribbon wrapped around the outside. There's lots of festive reds and greens available at your local store. Add a sprig of holly or red berries to the outside. These often come with a twisty end so that you can secure around the ribbon by bending. If you have access to a home computer, think about printing off your own cards and attaching these to the ribbon or holly with a personalised message.
Happy gift wrapping!
Christmas Wrapping Ideas