The new word being heard on every good hipsters lips at the moment is ‘locavore’ – and we’re glad to hear it! Locavore by definition is ‘a person who makes an effort to eat food that is grown, raised, or produced locally’. Being purveyors of fine local goods ourselves, we’re glad to see people picking up on these lifestyle and seeking out products that are made locally. But, why choose local? We’re glad you asked.
Eating local helps support your community, so it’s a way of being neighbourly and helping those around you. Local markets offer the chance to pay your farmer direct, essentially cutting out the ‘middle man’ which means fresher produce for you (less travel time) and more profit for your local farmer. Larger supermarket chains (and those in between) are known to take 70-80% of the profit from farmers. We know how hard they work and buying local is a way to show your appreciation.
By investing in our future farmers now, we’re establishing a strong food economy, helping our environment and our neighbours.
Buying produce from your local farmers means you only get produce that’s in season. By buying Australian grown you’re avoiding the lengthy and environmentally unfriendly process of having your food imported from other countries. While you may think you want asparagus at your fingertips year-round, the best time to buy it is when it is in season in Australia – it’s fresher and cheaper.
Right now, we have ‘energy to burn’… or do we? While we’re ‘burning’ (excuse the pun) through our oil energy reserves we can import and export food freely. When these options become scarce, costs will rise for transporting food and prices will go up. By investing in our future farmers now, we’re establishing a strong food economy, helping our environment and our neighbours. Win. Win. Win.
So how do you go about becoming a Locavore? Well, we suggest starting doing some research. See if you have access to a local farmer's market and start shopping there. If you have to use your local shops always check the independent fruit shop and butcher first as they are more likely to use local products. At the supermarket, buy what's in season and try to avoid imported.
For clothing and other items, you may need to shop online but try and buy as close to you as possible and always look for organic and sustainable options.
What is a Locavore?