There's so many different reasons for sending gifts and the occasion itself will influence what you write in your gift card but you want to make sure you don't overstep any unwritten boundaries. Notes need to be carefully considered as the written word can sometimes be misconstrued and your message needs to be conveyed clearly and accurately. Having the right message with your gift makes the gift that little bit extra special... but having the wrong message might cause more harm than good!
There is really no excuse for poor spelling in a gift card. Misspelling a word can (unfortunately) convey ineptitude. Not everyone is good at spelling so simply type your note into a document like Word and use the spell checker or an app like Dictionary (or even the actual dictionary) to check words you're not sure of. If you're contacting a corporate client on behalf of your business this is imperative as misspelt words may lead your gift recipient to feel you lack professionalism. And be sure to spell your gift recipients name correctly. If you're unsure of wether their name is spelt with a 'K' or 'C' simply look them up online or call their office and ask.
Without being able to deliver your message in person your written note needs to convey the tone of the occasion. If it's a birthday card use exclamation marks and lots of 'happy' language like 'fun' and 'awesome'. If your gift is to say thank you for a job well done make sure your note is sincere. Be specific about what you're thankful for and how much you appreciate the help. If you're writing a get well card ensure your wording is heartfelt and compassionate to the recipients situation. If you're an employer sending a card to an employee don't make any reference to them getting back to work quickly!
It may sound strange but font selection takes a part in the conversation of your gift card too. Fonts can be quirky and in addition to the options installed on your computer there are many available online from free font sites. There are 'fun' fonts like Chalkboard, Curlz and Papyrus. These are good for baby shower gift cards and thank you messages as the text is light and 'fluffy'. There are many more uniquely fun fonts available for download. For congratulatory cards or wedding messages some form of cursive always fits the brief. There are plain cursive's like Apple Chancery or more elaborate options like Branboll or Little Lord Fonteroy. For corporate cards there are a huge range of 'basic' fonts that aren't too silly but not too rigid either (steer away from Times New Roman - yawn!).
If you're buying a card then font selection won't matter to you unless you can place your card through your printer (depending on the card stock this may not be too hard). You can select from a card with a pre-written message or one that is blank inside. The latter option is more personalised and you may want to choose a pre-written message for someone you don't know as well. This doesn't apply if it's a humor card and the front message ties in with the message inside.
Choosing the right image for the front of your card is also imperative to a good card - it's the first thing your gift recipient will see. For a friend's birthday, a funny card is a great idea and something you can share a laugh over. However, this sort of card should match your gift. If you're giving a Christening gift for example your card should have a more sombre theme. There are a myriad of themed cards for every occasion that you can either download and print to your own computer or buy from your local stationery shop.
If you want to print your own card at home try a site like Snapfish. There are options available for adding photos which could be a nice touch for a friend's 21st birthday celebrations or there are card designs you can dowload and print at home. Another option is to download a fabulous font from a site like fontspace. Choose something big and bold and use this to cover the front of your card with 'Happy Birthday' or 'Congratulations'. Use a different font for your message inside. Try adding a bit of colour too. If you need a bit of colour inspiration try searching around on the web. You might find good, free images that you can place on your card and have the text over the top or underneath this image.
Create The Perfect Gift Card